Friday, May 18, 2007

The first weekend in May, 2007 I was a featured demonstrating artist at the MayFest in Leesville, LA. It was a lot of fun- I don't have any photos of my demonstrating- but her is a photo of my friends and me with Irma Thomas- the Queen of Soul- from New Orleans- she just won a Grammy for her latest album. She played Friday night- and was great! Better seeing her in small Leesville where you can be right next to the stage - than fight thousands to see her at JazzFest. What a down to earth great person she is-- and looks pretty fabulous for a grandma!

I also met some other great artist. I've written a proposal to teach a workshop for gifted kids in South Louisiana-- it will also include one day of learning flameworking and making glass beads-- that will give me an opportunity to learn that then I can either make flat beads for my mosaics or regular beads to use on my fish mobiles. I'll keep you posted on that. Well- only 2 more weeks until I retire-- it is a very surreal feeling- I don't think I will really believe it until after it happens!

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