Friday, March 30, 2007

Last week I attended the Society of American Mosaic Artist Conference in Mesa, AZ. It was a well organized event, very informative and inspirational. I met lots of new folks and took 2 wonderful workshops. My first workshop was on design with Emma Biggs. She is so enthusiastic about mosaics- her workshops are a delight to attend and I learned so much. I brought my "Eclipse" piece to the workshop for critic- I was pleased that it was very well received. Just getting a "Well done" from Emma made it worth the effort of lugging it all that way. My other workshop was with Matteo Randi in the use of the hammer and hardie, the tools that have been used since Roman times to cut marble and glass terrerae. And I am happy to report that all of my fingers are still in tact! I bought a hammer and hardie at the workshop and can not wait to really begin to get proficient at using it. There were other superb speakers at the conference and I have heard nothing but good comments about other people's experience.
And now it it time to get crackin' on a new project!

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