Sunday, December 23, 2007
Sunday, December 02, 2007

Here is my latest piece. I'm still working on a title.
I love Elaine Goodwin's work & style. Not that this is in any way as complex or sophisticated as her pieces, but I tried to use some of the elements and materials that she uses in this piece. I guess you could say it is "inspired by". I've done several "inspired by" pieces... guess I am still looking for my own voice. The material in this work is marble, smalti, & gold. It's a very simple piece, but I really like it.
I'm about to start on a piece that I started in a design class at SAMA last year. I'm still trying to finalize the design and materials I am going to use. But sometimes you just have to get started and see what happens!
Saturday, October 27, 2007

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Friday, May 18, 2007

I also met some other great artist. I've written a proposal to teach a workshop for gifted kids in South Louisiana-- it will also include one day of learning flameworking and making glass beads-- that will give me an opportunity to learn that then I can either make flat beads for my mosaics or regular beads to use on my fish mobiles. I'll keep you posted on that. Well- only 2 more weeks until I retire-- it is a very surreal feeling- I don't think I will really believe it until after it happens!
Friday, March 30, 2007
And now it it time to get crackin' on a new project!
Thursday, March 15, 2007

Here is my latest work- I call it "Eclipse" - as in eclipse of the pyrite sun. This was also my first attempt at gradation of color. I love all of the materials used in this piece- smalti, gold, copper, dichroic glass, and pyrite sun. I'm taking it to my design class w/ Emma Biggs at the SAMA (Society of American Mosaic Artist) - I'll be interested to hear the critique. I'll let you know. I'm really excited about going to my first SAMA conference- it will be in Mesa, AZ. I'll give a full report when I return.
Friday, March 09, 2007

Here is my first mirror. I completed it in the "Desert Jewel" style. It is going to the Alexandria Museum of Art to sell in the gift shop.
My mosaic art was just accepted for the Louisiana Crafts Guild. Speaking of the Crafts Guild, the currently have an exhibit at the museum and I have a piece in it- it is my fish- I'll post it next.
Monday, January 15, 2007
The one on the left was the first frame that sold- at the museum auction. It is in the series I call "Desert Jewel". The one on the right is one of the Christmas frames that I actually reaped a profit from- it's in the "Christmas Forest" series. Another bit of news-- I am now a "Rock Star"! Check it out on Mosaics Rock's Rock star gallery : . It's pretty cool the way Bill has the different natural material linked to the mosaics that uses that material.