Lots of news to report since my last entry. I now have several mosaic pieces for sale at the store Barnwell Center in Shreveport. Here is their web site for information on how to find them-although they do not have my pieces listed yet:
http://www.barnwellcenter.com/the%20store%20at%20the%20Barnwell%20Center.htmI've signed up to go to the SAMA Conference (Society of America Mosaic Artist) in Miami the first week in April- looking forward to taking a workshop, "Listen to the Rocks with Bill Buckingham and Sophie Drouin". I have one other spot for a workshop left- but can not decide what to take - maybe I'll just save my money and buy more stuff at the vendor market!
I joined the Contempary Arts Guild, a local guild in Alexandria. We have a show opening Sunday at Capitol One Bank and I will have a couple of pieces in the show.
Also, I'm doing another workshop- at the Alexandria Museum of Art. They have a series called "Art Smart". which is a basic introduction to a particular medium. The workshop will be held April 26th & 27th. It is free to members and I think will cost $10 for non-member--this is a DEAL! The material will cost more than that.
I've started my marble mosaic with ammonites. I like marble but I have to learn how to make better cuts with it. I'm also not happy with my design now that I am half way through it! I have summoned help though- so we'll see what happens! It certainly will be a learning experience. It is also the largest thing I've done to date.
Oh yes, and I must mention the new mosaic magazine- "Mosaic Art Now". It is the brainchild of Bill Buckingham. I got my first issue this week and it is very well done. Right now it is yearly, but I hope he has enough interest to do it at least quarterly. There is some amazing talent in that magazine. Here is the web site:
http://www.mosaicartnow.com/ - check it out!!